Congratulations to Ben Elst who set the 100 Mile record in the following categories: Belgium Country, Male, 18-49, Indoor Velodrome on an upright bike.

Rider Information
Rider Name: Ben ElstAge: 49
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Nieuwmoer-Kalmthout
Rider Country: Belguim
Record Information
Record Type: DistanceRecord Distance: 100 Mile Indoor Velodrome
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 20240907
Record End Date: 20240908
Record Statistics
Distance (miles): 100Time (days:hours:minutes:seconds): 00:04:11:39
Speed (miles/hour): 23.84
Speed (km/hour): 38.37
Extra Information
Officials: Tom Beyens, Ine Smeekens, Maarten Andriessen, Guido Hendrickx, Pieter Oerlemans, Evi De Jongh, Tom Van HauwaertCrew: Patrick Heerinckx, Tim Dejonghe, Mayte Loones, Rune Vennincx, Mathy Meersman, Ellen Van Den Goor, Peter Simons, Chantal Simons, Noa Elst, Andreas Hendrix, Bart Pussemier, Martine Deburchgrave, Paul Dielen, Annick Van Berchem
Notes: A great example of perseverance under tough physical conditions - Great job Ben! This record set during a 500 mile attempt.
Report: report