Monthly Archives: September 2019

Doug Chivington – Ohio S-N – 2019-09-11


Doug sets the new male standard (50-59) age group record covdering the 209.23 miles in 13 hours 31 min with an average speed of 15.48mph     Here is Doug's ride report: September 11, 2019 Doug Chivington Ohio South to North Route 50-59 Age Group   Exact Location: Start was the Cincinnati Zoo Entrance on Vine St and Finish was the Toledo Zoo Entrance on Rt 25. What were the conditions like? Conditions were good but humid, temperatures reached upper 80’s in the afternoon and high 60’s low 70’s at the start.   We had a WSW wind and in the [...]

Doug Chivington – Ohio S-N – 2019-09-112020-03-03T04:46:10-08:00

Joe Barr – Ireland E-W – 2019-09-01


Congratulations to Joe Barr for setting the new Ireland East to West crossing for male (60-69) on a standard Bike Here is his ride report for the great adventure: Rider:  Joe Barr - Record Attempt: East to West  Ireland On Sunday September 1st 2019 at 7.00am I started the East to West of Ireland point to point record. Directly below the Wicklow Head Lighthouse on the East coast of Ireland. It was a dry but cold morning light wind which was forecast to get very strong as the morning progressed and it did, almost 200miles of direct headwind. The reason [...]

Joe Barr – Ireland E-W – 2019-09-012020-03-03T04:46:22-08:00
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Marcello Danese – 2019-08-23 – 10 new Road records


Congratulations to Marcello Danese for setting 10 new road records between 100Km and 24 hours. 8 of the records he already set 2 years ago, but he set even faster ones this time! Here is a spreadsheet showing his accomplishments Distance Event KilometersTimeAvg Sp (Km)Avg Sp (Miles)Existing records <50-59> <male> <Standard>new record100 Kilometer Road02:45:35.6836.2322.51John Horton, 2018-09-29, 2:54:29yes200 Kilometer Road05:39:14.8535.3721.98Marcello Danese, 2017-06-02, 6:09:20yes300 Kilometer Road08:37:12.6234.8021.63Marcello Danese, 2017-06-02, 9:18:29yes500 Kilometer Road15:20:09.2732.6020.26Marcello Danese, 2017-06-02, 16:05:41yesDistance Event MilesTimeAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)100 Mile Road04:31:19.6622.1135.59John Horton, 2018-09-29, 4:46:24yes200 Mile Road09:18:06.1221.5034.60Marcello Danese, 2017-06-02, 10:01:23yes300 Mile Road14:21:12.4420.9033.64Marcello Danese, 2017-06-02, 15:30:46yesTimed EventMilesKilometersAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)6 Hour Road131.586211.76821.9335.29Marcello [...]

Marcello Danese – 2019-08-23 – 10 new Road records2020-03-03T04:52:08-08:00
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