Congratulations to Ruben Schütze for setting a new Male 12 hour record in the 18-49 age group, in a Velomobile on an outdoor track.
This is also a non-age group Guinness World Record!

Rider Information
Rider Name: Ruben SchützeAge: 28
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Hamburg
Rider Country: Germany
Record Information
Record Type: TimedRecord Timed: 12 Hour Outdoor Track
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Faired Recumbent Tricycle (HPV)
Record Start Date: 20240831
Record End Date: 20240831
Record Statistics
Distance (miles): 411.00Distance (km): 661.66
Speed (miles/hour): 35.26
Speed (km/hour): 56.75
Extra Information
Officials: Ralf Schlüter, Christoph van Eickels, Christian Winkgen, Patrick Hagemann, Patrick Malsbenden, Andreas Krüger, Jens Holloch, Richard Schaffenroth, Edgar Teufel, Meike Hartmann,Crew: Daniel Fenn, Thorsten Kirchhoff, Dirk Nordmann, Christiane Bremer, Martin Lux
Notes: An incredible display of speed for 12 hours! Shows the world the potential of the velomobile - Congrats Ruben!
Report: report