Marko Baloh – 300 Km Outdoor Track Record – 2024-08-25

Congratulations to Marko Baloh for setting a new 300 Km WUCA record. See data below.

Rider Information

Rider Name: Marko Baloh
Age: 57
Age Group: Men 50-59
Rider Hometown: Ljubljana
Rider Country: Slovenia

Record Information

Record Type: Distance
Record Distance: 300 km Outdoor Track
Track Location: Outdoor Track - 959.1 959.1 course: , Polena track - Lenart, Slovenia
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 20240824
Record End Date: 20240825

Record Statistics

Distance (km): 300
Time (days:hours:minutes:seconds): 00:08:18:39
Speed (miles/hour): 22.43
Speed (km/hour): 36.10

Extra Information

Officials: Mira Gasparic, Andrej Petrovic
Crew: Irma Baloh, Tea Baloh
Notes: An amazing show of endurance and strength - completed during a 1000 Km attempt no less!
Report: report