Monthly Archives: August 2018

Karen Taylor – 100 Km outdoor track – August 8, 2018


      Rider’s Narrative Summary Record attempt by Karen Taylor Age 52 Masters Category Attempt date: 08/08/2018 at 10:00 am GMT Held at Quibell Park Outdoor Velodrome – Length 485m, surface macadam, degree of banking at ends 45 degrees, degree of middle of banking at middle of straights 12 degree’s, length of straights 100m. The conditions were warm at 23.3 celsius and as the attempt went on the wind picked up with short gusts hitting me into the bends and along the back straight causing balance issues. The idea of doing a track record attempt was thought of as [...]

Karen Taylor – 100 Km outdoor track – August 8, 20182020-03-03T04:48:35-08:00

Ziortza Villa – Camino de Santiago – July 26, 2018


  RECORD ATTEMP RONCESVALLES TO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA My name is Ziortza Villa and I am an ultra cyclist rider. After having taken part in both long distance national and international events, I decided to establish a record and thus be the first woman rider to establish a record from Roncesvalles in Navarra to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. I carried out the event on the 25th and 26th of July 2018. I parted from the Roncesvalles guest house called “La Posada” at 13:00hrs on July the 25th, festivity of Santiago, patron saint in Spain, on a hot and superb [...]

Ziortza Villa – Camino de Santiago – July 26, 20182018-08-17T21:50:44-07:00

Julie Lyons and Jerry Schemmel July 24, 2018 – Colorado East to West record


Riders Narrative Summary - Colorado East to West Julie Lyons, Jerry Schemmel July 23-24, 2018   This record attempt was Cross Colorado from East to West. This was a mixed two person team of Julie Lyons (61 years) and Jerry Schemmel(59 years). We started at the Colorado/Kansas State Line on State Hwy 50 east of Holly, Colorado at exactly 5:03 am on July 23, 2018 and followed State Hwy 50 through La Junta, Pueblo, Canyon City, Salida, Monarch Pass, Gunnison, Montrose, Delta, Grand Junction, Fruita and finished at the Colorado/Utah State Line on Hwy 50 just west of Mack, Colorado [...]

Julie Lyons and Jerry Schemmel July 24, 2018 – Colorado East to West record2020-03-03T04:49:04-08:00
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