October 2017

North Carolina West-East 4-Man Team


Record: Cross-state, NC West-to-East, 4-man Relay, Std Bikes, Men’s Age 50-59 Riders: Chris Boone, Rich Boulter, Donny Laws, Marc Poland Crew Chiefs: Paul Harrell, Van Roldan Judges: Sue Pregartner, Olga Ronay Crew: Wade Barnett, Alli Bovee, Shane Cassida, Larry Hall, Tanya Hiller, Kevin Silva, Mary Vogel, Jim Zitney, Start: Cherokee Courthouse, Murphy, NC, Corner of  Central St and Unicoi Turnpike. End: Dare County Courthouse, Dare Co Justice Center, Manteo, NC Each rider brought his own motives.  In one case, it was the unfinished business of a former solo attempt on the same route.  For others, it was the capstone to [...]

North Carolina West-East 4-Man Team2017-10-27T02:07:43-07:00

Chris Hopkinson Velodrome Records


Chris ‘HOPPO’ Hopkinson Quibell Park Outdoor Track 29th/30th September At 7pm on the 29th September i pedalled away from the startline at Quibell Park Outdoor Track not knowing that this was going to be one of the toughest 24hrs i had ever spent on a bike. The weather was mild and dry and the wind calm, perfect really. The first 6hrs went pretty much to plan taking the 100km, 100 mile, 200km and 6hr records although already by this time i was beginning to realise that on a flat track i could not miss even one pedal stroke, there was [...]

Chris Hopkinson Velodrome Records2021-08-18T05:08:47-07:00

Elena Novikova Velodrome Records


My attempt to set 24h record took place in Montichiari at the Velodromo Fassa Bortolo. The track is wooden, 250m in length. My supporters were Roberto, the masseur Franco and the mechanic Fabio. The judges were Zoran, Irma and Barbara. During the attempt spectators came to support me. Before the record attempt I stayed at the hotel Garda. I met the judges at breakfast. Gathering my things, I came to the track an hour before the start. I made some laps for warming up. Irma gave me documents to sign. Zoran showed how the scoreboard works. During my riding the [...]

Elena Novikova Velodrome Records2022-09-19T03:29:17-07:00

Steve Hodge and Olly Howarth Wales W-E


This has been a challenge from the outset. Originally I had planned to ride this attempt with my brother on a custom build tandem. Alas a problem sorting wheels from Holland with a supplier who let us down. Eventually lead to us having to ride an older lightweight touring tandem of mine. Whilst a good  bike, it was not designed for what we wanted to do. The next problem was my stoker and brother Iain due to circumstances beyond his control had to pull out at the eleventh hour. The support team and official had no other window than the [...]

Steve Hodge and Olly Howarth Wales W-E2020-03-03T04:51:12-08:00

John Burrell Tennessee S-N-S


Rider's Narrative Summary Record Attempt: Tennessee S-N, N-S, S-N-S Rider: Johnny Burrell 9-24-2017     6:52 AM CST Start location: Genesis United Methodist Church Hwy 231 state line TN-AL The conditions were clear, sunny skies 64 low 90.6 high. I did these records to raise money and attention for the Scott Hamilton Cares Foundation https://www.scottcares.org/new-events/2017/9/30/johnny-b-cares-ride I rode a Trek Speed Concept Time Trial bike with a Zipp Super 9 rear disk wheel and Firecrest 808 front wheel. I ate and drank sports mix, grape juice and ice water along with a few turkey avocado sandwiches, dates and sushi (mango California [...]

John Burrell Tennessee S-N-S2017-10-09T15:26:19-07:00
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