Highest Monthly Mileage (HMMR)

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Please find below the official spreadsheets for completed attempts:
And attempts in progress:
None currently

rider name age country start date end date age group distance
miles/day details report historical?
Johann Warga 67 Austria20240501 20240530 Men 60-69 5462.08 182.07 detailsreportNo
Sami Imeri 59 Switzerland2023-06-03 2023-06-15 Men 50-59 2674.34 205.72 detailsreportNo
Alexandra Meixner 50 Austria2021-08-17 2021-09-15 Women 50-59 8284.97 276.17 detailsreportNo
Amanda Coker 24 United States2017-04-01 2017-04-30 Women 18-49 8012.5 267.08 detailsreportNo
Alicia Searvogel 55 United States2017-05-05 2017-06-03 Women 50-59 4021.0 134.03 detailsreportNo