Phil Fox – CW Circum Lake Ontario Record – 2024-06-09

Congratulations to Phil Fox who set the CW Circumnavigation Lake Ontario record on 2024-06-09 in the following categories: Male 18-49, officiated, standard upright bike.

*This is also a Guinness World Record

Rider Information

Rider Name: Phil Fox
Age: 41
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Chicago
Rider Country: US

Record Information

Record Type: Circumnavigation
Record Region: Lake Ontario: Cw
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 20240608
Record End Date: 20240609

Record Statistics

Direction: clockwise
Start Point: Rainbow Bridge near Niagara Falls
End Point: way-point Thousand Islands Bridge, back Rainbow Bridge near Niagara Falls
Distance (miles): 512.11
Distance (km): 824.16
Time (days:hours:minutes): 01:06:35
Speed (miles/hour): 16.74
Speed (km/hour): 26.95

Extra Information

Officials: Tony Moguel, William Edwards, Emily Gunnels, Michelle Hartman
Crew: William Edwards, Brian Morgan, Tony Moguel, Emily Gunnels, Michelle Hartman, Chuck Judy, Andrew Donsbach, Demian March, Armin Korsos, Chad Gilchrist
Notes: An abolutley amazing show of teamwork and endurance. Phil is the King of the Lakes!
Report: report