Charlie Studd – 1 CCW lap of Lake Taupo, NZ – 2022-09-03

Congratulations to Charlie Studd for setting the this new 1 lap CCW circumnavigation record for Lake Taupo in this Category: Male, Standard Bike, 18-49 age group.

Rider Information

Rider Name: Charlie Studd
Age: 43
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Manawatu
Rider Country: New Zealand

Record Information

Record Type: Circumnavigation
Record Region: Lake Taupo, Nz
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2022-09-03
Record End Date: 0022-09-03

Record Statistics

Direction: anticlockwise
Start Point: Corner of Te Heuheu and Titiraupenga Street
End Point: Corner of Te Heuheu and Titiraupenga Street
Distance (miles): 97.22
Distance (km): 156.46
Time (days:hours:minutes): 00:04:54
Speed (miles/hour): 19.84
Speed (km/hour): 31.93

Extra Information

Officials: Martha Maria Calitz
Crew: Luane Studd, Josh Kendall
Notes: A great new record set by Charlies on the world famous Lake Taupo course
Report: report