Bharat Pannu – India N-S – 2019-10-29
Records Team2019-12-08T17:07:24-08:00Congratulations to Bharat Pannu for setting the India N-S Male (18-49) record on a Standard bike from 2019-10-2 1 to 2019-10-29 He covered the 2240 miles in 8d - 9h 45 min - for an average speed of 11.10 mph Read about his adventure here: K2K Expedition (21st Oct to 29th Oct 2019) by Bharat Pannu, India K2K expedition was a CHALLENGE which I had been looking forward of attempting since past few years. I had to undergo strict training regime, immaculate planning before event and relentless efforts by my support crew members. It tested my determination and [...]