Congratulations to Stanislav Verstovsek who set the the following records in the following categories:

WUCA World Record 18-49 Age group, standard bike, Outdoor Track:

Distance Event KilometersTimeAvg Sp (Km)Avg Sp (Miles)Existing records : male 18-49 standard bike
100 Km Outdoor Track02:18:31.0743.3226.92Ralph Diseviscourt – 2020-07-11 – 2:19:13 – 26.78 mph

WUCA Slovenia Record 18-49 Age group, standard bike, Outdoor Track:

note: Stanko already holds the 100, 200, 300 Mile and 6 hour record age-group records

Distance Event KilometersTimeAvg Sp (Km)Avg Sp (Miles)Existing records : male 18-49 standard bike
200 Km Outdoor Track04:50:47.1341.2725.64none for Slovenia
300 Km Outdoor Track07:29:04.4340.0824.91none for Slovenia
Timed EventMilesKilometersAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)Existing records : male 18-49 standard bike
12 Hour Outdoor Track268.211431.64422.3535.97none for Slovenia

Report on the 12 hour outdoor track world record attempt. 17/09/2023 Stanislav Verstovšek 

On September 17, 2023, starting at 7:00 a.m., I tried to set 9 possible world records in 12 hours on the outdoor track at Polena Circuit near Lenart in Slovenia. I used a regular Trek brand time trial bike. At the time of the start of the ride, it was relatively cold, namely 13-14 degrees Celsius, and there was a lot of moisture in the air. Because of these bad conditions, I had to ride for a certain time with about 300 watts of power to set the world record for 100 km, which caused me to lose a lot of power afterwards. As the fatigue was too much after about 3 hours, I gave up on the idea of setting other records within 12 hours and actually used the rest of the ride as practice for the 24 Hour World Championships in November in Borrego Springs. During the attempt I used the BetaFuel product from the manufacturer SIS. 

Due to health problems, namely my whole body started to retain water and I was swollen, I finished the ride after about 11 hours and 16 minutes in the same place where I started.

Stanislav Verstovšek