Isabelle Pulver – 500 Km Outdoor Track Record – 2021-07-31

Congratulations to Isa Pulver for her new WUCA record

Rider Information

Rider Name: Isa Pulver
Age: 50
Age Group: Women 50-59
Rider Hometown: Ittigen
Rider Country: Switzerland

Record Information

Record Type: Distance
Record Distance: 500 km Outdoor Track
Track Location: 3570.438 meter Panzerpiste course in Thun, Switzerland (with 3 Barricades)
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2021-07-31
Record End Date: 2021-07-31

Record Statistics

Distance (km): 500
Time (days:hours:minutes:seconds): 00:14:54:31
Speed (miles/hour): 20.84
Speed (km/hour): 33.54

Extra Information

Officials: Ricarda Hess, Rudolf Merz, Beatrix Masillamoni
Crew: Daniel Pulver, Bruno Rüegg, Dorian Wandel, Andreas Haller, Regula Späni, Michael Schär, René Krause, Claudia Güttinger, Daniela Balz, Céline Riecker
Notes: This record set during a 24 hour attempt - 10 new records in the outdoor track category for Isa!
Report: report