Dan McGehee 100 Mile Outdoor Track Record – 2024-05-25

Congratulations to Dan McGehee who broke his existing 100 mile record in the Outdoor Track category in 60-69 age group on a standard bike.

This is also a US overall record in the same categories.

Rider Information

Rider Name: Daniel McGehee
Age: 61
Age Group: Men 60-69
Rider Hometown: Mesa, Arizona
Rider Country: US

Record Information

Record Type: Distance
Record Distance: 100 Mile Outdoor Track
Track Location: Tucson Speedway, Arizona
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2024-05-25
Record End Date: 2024-05-25

Record Statistics

Distance (miles): 100
Time (days:hours:minutes:seconds): 00:03:58:19
Speed (miles/hour): 25.18
Speed (km/hour): 40.52

Extra Information

Officials: Larry Burns, Bill Peschka, Greg Hemmerlin
Crew: Al Schott, Michael Hemmerlin, Mary McGehee, Dr Gerard Hefferon, Jeannette Burns
Notes: Great effort for Dan - member of the sub 4-hour 100 Mile Club!
Report: report