Congratulations to Dan McGehee who broke 2 existing records in the Outdoor Track category in 60-69 age group on a standard bike.

Another great accomplishment is that Dan broke the 4-hr barrier for 100-miles – solo. This is no small feat – regardless of age!

Interestingly Dan broke the 2 records he set just 2 weeks ago – Think how fast he would be by the end of the year if he kept that up! Congrats Dan!

This is also the US overall record – any age!

Distance Event KilometersTimeAvg Sp (Km)Avg Sp (Miles)Existing records : Solo, male, 60-69, upright bikenew record
100 Km Outdoor Track02:23:11.3841.9026.04Daniel McGehee 61 US 2024-05-11 00:02:28:07 25.17 mphYes
Distance Event MilesTimeAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)Existing records : Solo, male, 60-69, upright bikenew record
100 Mile Outdoor Track03:56:33.6425.3640.82Daniel McGehee 61 US 2024-05-11 00:04:02:28 24.74 mphYes

25May2024 – 100KM & 100-mile Outdoor Track, Tucson Speedway, Pima County, AZ, USA. Sanctioned by the World UltraCycling Association (WUCA)

I set up these attempts as a back-up for the 11May2024 6-Hour Attempts, not knowing if the winds/heat/health would result in a postponement and wanting to go after the 100KM more full-out if I did not break 2:30 the first time around.   It was a tight window, between late May temperatures usually cooking over 100F and my family-life/office schedule, but I am so very fortunate to have friends and family that help me with flexibility – particularly Mary, who is extra tolerant to need for speed.  Please reference the 11May2024 WUCA Report, if interested in more on this.  The wind played nice for the first 2:45, with constant 3-5 mph and gusts to only 10-11mph, but then it really started to kick up strong (see pics).  I held pace through the 100Km of 2:23 then I backed off about 20 watts and let the HR settle for a couple miles before lifting the pace again.  In hindsight, not sure if that was a good idea – although it seemed necessary at the time.  3 miles back into pace (about 67 mile mark) the left VMO decided to cramp and had to take 3 laps doing a right one-legged drill to loosen up.  I know I have the electrolyte intake dialed in, but the winds had picked up considerably and I was chastising myself for not starting the attempts 30 minutes earlier, as planned.  Getting blown around created a distraction for an hour, but the extra work began to wear me down.  My heart rate was solid and stable, but my power was waning, so I lifted the pace to see my HR rise but the power to the pedals was lagging as I had to put more energy into stabilizing the bike with the wind gusts (down the backstretch and through turn 3) and less ability to create forward thrust through the pedals.  Wind gusts prompted frequent and significant fluctuations in cadence and power output – particularly on the back stretch vs the front, so the chance of a consistent pace had ceased, and it was just best to roll with it, hoping I would clock in under the 4-hr mark for the 100-mile.   The counterbalance of more power into the wind followed by a higher speed tailwind (every 51 second lap) was not even close to an even trade for me, as I perform better with a level exertion, and fluctuations this late in the event exponentially sap the energy.  Just the act of shifting  alone effects the consistency of wattage. I was able to stabilize the bike better this time and avoid the left knee bumping the top-tube, but the trade-off was the inside of the left foot periodically rubbing the crankarm – to the extent that it melted a hole in the VeloToze rubber shoe cover.  I thought these shoe covers would be a bit warm and was surprised that I didn’t even notice them until I took them off after.  Knowing how much the cramp issue had burned time, it was a relief to get the 90-mile time split and find out that I just had to hold steady to break the 4-hour barrier.

Only a few changes from the 11May2024 record rides:  VeloToze Aero socks and shoe covers, HUUB aero bra, HJC Adwatt helmet instead of the Giro Aerohead, added a seat-back aero water bottle, and used an old frozen Camelbak bladder on my chest to help lower core temp just a bit.  Same Trek Speed Concept, Santini Viper skinsuit.  Mostly, it was just knowing that I didn’t have to pedal thru 200KM to 6Hrs that fostered the faster pace, but a great test for the alterations.

Michael Hemmerlin was again my handoff man – fabulous work Michael; seamless handoffs with time to even cover splits and strategy.  You’re gonna become my hand-off Al Pacino.   Mary and Jeanette – with their smiles, cheers, positive energy, and even a joke or two – monitoring the corner cones like hawks.   Dr Hefferon again got my neck ready for battle and fix me up after – you are invaluable!  It was awesome to connect again with Justin Peschka – accomplished rider and coach – and I believe we will be seeing a lot more of each other now, as there are more boxes to check on my TT journey.  You guys are all incredible and it was such an inspiration to see you all in one place!

Huge shout-out to John Power and John Lashley at the Tucson Speedway.  Great people and incredibly accommodating.  It has been a pleasure working with them through this process!  It is an awesome place to train – in a quiet and controlled space.  I look forward to continuing our connection – even if/when the Tucson Velodrome gets built across the street.  As an aside, the WUCA sanctions Outdoor Track and Outdoor Velodrome Records in separate categories!

Massive thank you to Larry Oslund of the WUCA, holding a few world cycling records of his own, he knows what a process it is to train and set up an attempt.  He reminded me, 2 days before this attempt, that I would only have to go 3:41:05 for the 100-mile to hold the Guinness World Record – if only I was 15 years younger with all these advancement in bike technology, aerodynamics, and training methods!

A very special Thank You – once again! – to the 3 officials: Larry Burns, Bill Peschka, and Greg Hemmerlin.  All seasoned veterans in the cycling world, with multiple accomplishments each.  I am blessed to know them and I ride so much more relaxed knowing their efficiency and attention to detail.  Setting up these events takes almost as much time as training for them, but these gentlemen took all the stress out.

None of this could happen without the tremendous friends that I have met – and the help I have received from the folks – in the “local bike shop” world.  I call it support and guidance – most of my loved ones now call it “Enabling”!  Paraic McGlynn and the talented mechanics at Cyclologic have found a way to make me faster and still be comfortable – even with last minute modifications between the 11May and 25May attempts.  You’re now gonna have to up the ante again Paraic!   Markus Zimmer and all the boys at Bicycle Ranch Scottsdale have kept me rollin for almost 2 decades now – it’s a pleasure to know them. Mike & Stephanie Cox at Curbside Cyclery are the only ones that get to touch my shocks and Mike is a master of all the old-school stuff that I tinker with.  Ray and Mike at Paragon are always able to find that last minute part and have helped countless thousands of cyclist in the East Valley for decades!  Thank you all so much.