Congratulations to Larry Oslund – for setting a new 200 km Road Record in the Men’s, 60-69, Solo, Self-Supported, Recumbent Bike categories on Mar 30, 2024.

Larry Oslund set the following overall WUCA and Guinness World Records during this attempt.

Distance Event KilometersTimeAvg Sp (Km)Avg Sp (Miles)
100 Km Road02:33:26.6339.1024.30
200 Km Road05:07:51.2938.9824.22
Distance Event MilesTimeAvg Sp (Miles)Avg Sp (Km)
100 Mile Road04:06:44.2624.3239.13

WUCA Record Attempt Report – Larry Oslund – Mar 20, 2024 

I recently (Mar 20) completed a 500 Km officiated record attempt in Sebring, Fl and since I still had good fitness I decided to attempt a self-supported 200 Km attempt under WUCA rules. 

WUCA rules for Self-Supported record attempt requires: 

● Collection of Power Meter, HR, Temp data, and Lap Times on a GPS unit. ● A Official Surveyed course distance 

● A 1-sec Time lapse video of the attempt showing the rider at all times, which also proves you did it totally self-supported. 

I chose to ride this attempt at the 1.13 mile Technology CIrcle in Savannah, GA. This is where I did a previous attempt on June 12 2022. Therefore I was able to use the same surveyed course which is officially 1818.2533 meters (or 1.129807 miles). 

I started at approximately 7:23am on Saturday March 30. This was after riding a warm up lap and making sure all necessary electronic equipment was working (Camera, power meters, HR monitor, GPS unit, etc) I carried 4 liters of liquid fuel (an assortment of Hammer HEED, Infinit, Gatorade and Tailwind). In the end I only drank 2 liters out of the 4 during the 5+ hours of riding. 

I was riding my Cruzbike Prototype FWD-MBB bike made by John Morciglio. 

I stuck an Insta360 camera on top of the boom of the Bike to do the time lapse video, and carried a 56,000 mw USB battery in my fanny pack that sat on my belly during the ride. It was a little heavy – but I knew it should keep the camera going for at least 6 hours. Hard part was that I could not tell if it was running or not due to the orientation of it on the boom 

The only thing that I was unable to do for this attempt that I usually do is to wear a condom catheter so I don’t have to stop for a bathroom break. And it kind of bit me here because after 2 hours I had to stop for a bathroom break and it probably ended up costing me about 90 seconds total. 

Other than that it was just going around the 1.13 circle 110 times all by myself. This is a different experience when compared to having a follow vehicle with a crew and official in it. I really missed the encouragement and motivation that comes with that. 

One hard part was not being able to see if the Insta360 was actually running or not. If it stopped for any reason then I would not have the proof required to submit to WUCA for certification. I did check it at 2 hours when I had to stop for the bathroom break – but other than that I was just trusting that it was running 

I rode this attempt with virtually the same power output that I did in 2022 (where I averaged over 25mp,, however the air pressure was higher and the temps were lower, so I went considerably slower (24.3 mph), which was a little disappointing. However since this is a new category I still set the records.

WUCA Record Attempt Report – Larry Oslund – Mar 20, 2024 

Since I rode a total of 200 Km, I was able to also set the embedded records of 100 Km and 100 miles too. So, my unofficial times for all three of these distances are:

Distance Event Kilometers Time Avg Sp (Km) Avg Sp (Miles)
100 Km Road 02:33:26.63 39.10 24.30
200 Km Road 05:07:51.29 38.98 24.22
Distance Event Miles Time Avg Sp (Miles) Avg Sp (Km)
100 Mile Road 04:06:44.26 24.32 39.13

My Strava link: The YouTube 1-sc Time Lapse video link: 

Thanks for reading, 

Larry Oslund