Congratulations to Holger Seidel who set the Germany S-N record for Velomobile in the Male, 18-49 age group categories. He broke the current overall record set by Roland Schell of 1:08:59 (although this is still the 50-59 record).

This record also qualifies for a GWR, which WUCA will submit on behalf of Holger.

Holger Seidel Germany South-North on August 27th/28th, 2022

April 5th we start 5:41 in Birgsau in the rain.

The first kilometers are long down into the valley and the roads are still wet. Small problems with navigation are solved. Otherwise the journey is very uneventful. Many through-roads characterize the route in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

Road damage caused by a storm requires a short-term diversion. The first planned break will take placebefore Würzburg. Several violent thunderstorms make the journey a bit difficult for a short time.

I’m still doing very well, even on the climbs behind the Main line. The cars are refueled in Bad Hersfeld and we continue into the night. The route now has more driving sections without towns and it is still going well. I leave the last major climbs behind after Göttingen. The landscape opens up and I can pick up more and more speed. The next planned stop will be at Holle. Fill everything up, have a drink and change and we continue. The night is going very well. From Celle I can really turn it up and make up time. There is an incident involving a raccoon on the main road. The velomobile is damaged, but I can continue to ride normally. We catch the ferry in Wischhafen ideally and thus we set the best conditions for a new record time. After crossing the Elbe, it becomes very fragmented due to the construction site. Then the roads get better again and the last hills are completed. It’s still going perfectly for me and so I can really step in the last few hours again.

At the end the clock stops at 11:38

I’m impressed and super happy.

A big thank you to the whole team!

That was great!