Bob Willix North Carolina W-E Record – 2018-10-10
Records Team2020-03-09T15:22:57-07:00Bob Willix NC Border-to-Border Record October 10-11, 2018 Rider’s Narrative Summary Record attempt: North Carolina Border-to-Border, West to East Name of rider: Bob Willix Start date and exact start time to the nearest minute: Wednesday morning, October 10, 2018 at 4:00 a.m. Exact start location described so that someone else could find the same spot: Murphy, NC Courthouse at 75 Peachtree Street, Murphy, NC 28906 What were conditions like? Absolutely Epic!!! We started at 4 a.m. on Wednesday morning, and 30 minutes later it started raining because Hurricane Michael was approaching from the Gulf of Mexico. It basically never stopped [...]