Danese Ride Report


Rider: Marcello Danese, 52 years old, Italy CREW: Cristiano Caporali (Crew Chief and coach), Antonio Foroni (timekeeper), Eugenio Bedin,Carlo Zago, Roberto Quartarolo,Luigi Baietta, Loris Endrizzi,Andrea Ridolfi. mechanic : PietroStocco massagist : Marco Pozzani OFFICIAL : Marco Dal Zovo, Monica Minucelli e Paolo Ferraro At 9:13:54 am of June 2nd 2017, in the village of Quaderni begins the attempt to beat the record of ‘cycling for 24h on road’. Weather-conditions are good except for the atmospheric temperature which has reached 32°C, unusual for the season and the wind, usually absent in June, but after months of physical and mental preparation, it [...]