Intensity Training for Ultra Racers
WUCA Superuser2017-02-02T17:49:36-08:00Interval training works. Bicycle racers have been doing interval training for decades, and hard training benefits long distance riders, too. Penseyres did a lot of interval training in 1986, when he set the solo RAAM speed record and again in '95 when he set the RAAM 50+ Team record. by Pete Penseyres Pete Penseyres won the Race Across America twice (1984 and 1986), holds the RAAM men's average speed record of 15.40 mph (1986), with Lon Haldeman holds the tandem transcontinental record (1987, 7d 14h 55m), was a member of Team Lightning that won HPV RAAM (1989, 5d 1h 8m), [...]