Water and Salt Intake During Exercise
WUCA Superuser2017-02-02T17:41:37-08:00by Lulu Weschler Lulu Weschler is a physical therapist, ultra cyclist and regular contributor to UltraCycling Hyponatremia: How To Recognize, Treat And Prevent It As little as 2% dehydration adversely affects performance[1]. But as little as 2% overhydration can cause life-threatening hyponatremia[2]. Clearly, you need to get your hydration needs just right. Hydration must be coupled with adequate sodium intake; sodium losses can be significant during prolonged exercise[3,4]. Barr et al[3] observed an average loss of 12 g salt in six hours of cycling at 86 degrees F and 30% relative humidity (2 g more than the average US daily [...]