Congratulations to Dennis Johnson from USA for setting the Male 60-69 Recumbent Record for United States W-E record. This record was set during the 2014 RAAM event and is recognized by WUCA
Daniela covered the 3020 miles in 10 days 17 hours and 39 minutes for an average speed of 11.72 mph
Rider Information
Rider Name: Dennis JohnsonAge:
Age Group: Men 60-69
Rider Hometown:
Rider Country: US
Record Information
Record Type:Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Recumbent
Record Start Date: 2014-06-14
Record End Date: 2014-06-24
Record Statistics
Distance (miles): 3020Speed (miles/hour): 11.72
Extra Information
Notes: 2014 RAAM