Sandy Earl – 12 hour recumbent record – 2023-03-12

Congratulations to Sandy Earl for a successful 24 hour attempt.

During this attempt, she set the new mark for the 12 hour record in the Female, 50-59, Recumbent category! Way to go Sandy!

Rider Information

Rider Name: Sandy Earl
Age: 59
Age Group: Women 50-59
Rider Hometown: Eureka, CA
Rider Country: US

Record Information

Record Type: Timed
Record Timed: 12 Hour Road
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Recumbent
Record Start Date: 2023-03-11
Record End Date: 2023-03-12

Record Statistics

Distance (miles): 204.246
Distance (km): 328.701
Speed (miles/hour): 17.02
Speed (km/hour): 27.39

Extra Information

Officials: Phil Plath, Robin Fain, Patty Jo Struve
Crew: Bill Spaeth
Notes: Great persistence and endurance even in the rainy conditions. This was also accomplished during a 24 hour attempt
Report: report