Mark Weidhase – 12 hour Road Record – Trike class – Feb 27, 2021

Congratulations to Mark Weidhase for setting the 12 hour Road record for a Trike class – in the Male 50-59 Para C5 category on Feb 27, 2021

Mark rode 153.306 miles in the 12 hours for an average speed of 12.78 mph (246.722 km = 20.56 kph)

Mark is a disabled Vet and we all say “Thank-you for your service to the United States of America”!

He also set 4 other WUCA records all the way through 12 hours during this attempt. This is also a new GWR and will be entered into their database as well.

Rider Information

Rider Name: Mark Weidhase
Age: 52
Age Group: Men 50-59
Rider Hometown: West Covina, CA
Rider Country: US

Record Information

Record Type: Timed
Record Timed: 12 Hour Road
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Trike
Record Start Date: 2021-02-27
Record End Date: 2021-02-27

Record Statistics

Distance (miles): 153.406
Distance (km): 246.722
Speed (miles/hour): 12.78
Speed (km/hour): 20.56

Extra Information

Officials: Eric Lewis, Mark Mitchell, Tom Guevara
Crew: Caleb Cline, April Peterson, Danna Keller, Jeff Stinchcomb, Patrick Weidhase, Del Watkins, Elisabeth Hufnagl Guevara
Notes: 5 Great new Trike records from a disabled Vet on a Trike - Thanks for your service Mark!
Report: report