Cynthia Norris – Oldest Female USA W-E Record 2022-10-28

Congratulations to Cynthia Norris – for setting a new Oldest USA W-E crossing record in the female , Standard bike categories at age 67 years 78 days.  This is also a new GWR, displacing Lynnea C. Salvo (USA) at age aged 67 years 32 days on 23 October 2016.

Rider Information

Rider Name: Cynthia Norris (Oldest Female)
Age: 67
Age Group: Women 60-69
Rider Hometown: Reno, Nevado
Rider Country: US

Record Information

Record Type: Cross Country
Record Country: United States
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2022-07-08
Record End Date: 2022-10-28

Record Statistics

Direction: W-E
Start Point: Anacortes, Washington
End Point: Henlopen, Delaware
Distance (miles): 3320.59
Distance (km): 5343.97
Time (days:hours:minutes): 00:00:00
Speed (miles/hour):

Extra Information

Officials: Richard Norris, Larry Oslund
Crew: Richard Norris
Notes: Amazing determination and fortitude on this incredible USA W-E record by Cynthia
Report: report