Form Type Form Name Description Details
Application Register Record Attempt Register your intention to attempt a record, and pay appropriate fees. Register
  Record Attempt Checklist A checklist will be emailed to the principal rider. To be completed and sent back. Download
  Record Attempt Application Form Print, complete, get all riders to sign and return. Download
Pre-Attempt Agreements Waivers / Liability Releases Print, complete, get all participants – rider(s), crew, officials and media crew – to sign and return. Download
  Certification of Official Print, complete, get all officials to sign and return. Download
Record Attempt Official’s Pre-Attempt Checklist To be completed by officials before the attempt and returned post-attempt. Download
  Official’s Log Sheets (Route) To be completed by officials during the record attempt. Download
  Official’s Log Sheets (Track) To be completed by officials during the record attempt. Download
  Official’s Summary To be completed by officials and returned post-attempt. Download
Post-Attempt Report Post-Attempt Report Checklist Print, complete and return. Download
  Record Attempt Summary Print, complete, get all rider(s) and officials to sign and return. Download
  Rider’s Narrative Summary Use this guide to write a narrative of the record attempt. Download


All questions regarding records and record attempts should be directed to the WUCA Records Chairs

  • Larry Oslund, Chair
  • Jim Parker, Deputy Chair

Contact the Records Team