Upcoming Events

ultra, ultraczasówka, ultratime


Ultramaraton odbędzie się po 62 km rundach. Dystans oraz czas monitorowane będą na bieżąco i zastopowane zostaną w momencie osiągnięcia limitu czasowego 24 h. Zwycięzcą zostaje osoba, która w ciągu 24 h pokona największą ilość km. Każdy z uczestników pokonać może dowolną liczbę okrążeń w dowolnym czasie ( sklasyfikowany zostanie wtedy według przejechanych km i czasu) po osiągnięciu limitu czasowego 24 h zawodnik będący na trasie zobowiązany jest wrócić najkrótszą drogą na linię mety.

ultra, ultraczasówka, ultratime2023-06-21T18:48:24-07:00

Psycho 48, 2022 – 48-hr TT


Two whole days and nights to ride your bike! How great is that?? Come join your fellow Psychos and ride as much or as little as you like. 50 miles? Fine, we’re here for you, baby. Your first Century? The first is the worst but we gotcha covered! 12 hours?…. Sweet spot ride, right there. Twenty four hours you say..??? Pssht, anyone can do that. Okay, 48 stinking hours?? Now we’re talking! YOU. ARE. PSYCHO!! And we LOVE you!!Maybe you’re training for RAAM, maybe a race or a record of some sort; whatever! Come out and ride your bike and [...]

Psycho 48, 2022 – 48-hr TT2023-07-18T09:23:14-07:00

Psycho 48, 2022 – 24-hr TT


RECENTLY SELECTED BY WUCA AS THE North American 24-HOUR CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT!!Two whole days and nights to ride your bike! How great is that?? Come join your fellow Psychos and ride as much or as little as you like. 50 miles? Fine, we’re here for you, baby. Your first Century? The first is the worst but we gotcha covered! 12 hours?…. Sweet spot ride, right there. Twenty four hours you say..??? Pssht, anyone can do that. Okay, 48 stinking hours?? Now we’re talking! YOU. ARE. PSYCHO!! And we LOVE you!! Maybe you’re training for RAAM, maybe a race or a record [...]

Psycho 48, 2022 – 24-hr TT2023-07-18T09:23:06-07:00

Estoril Circuit 24hr, 2022


An event with unique and pioneering characteristics in Portugal, with the support of the Portuguese Cycling Federation. It is an event open to all, professionals and amateurs and to all bicycles, disputed by teams or solo, in a relay system therefore everyone manages their own time on track. The 2nd edition will take place on the weekend 20th and 21st, August 2022 and in view of the success of the first edition, we expect a great turnout and as we have limited participants, make sure to garantee your spot there!

Estoril Circuit 24hr, 20222023-06-21T18:47:53-07:00
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