Glycemic Index
WUCA Superuser2017-02-02T17:38:45-08:00by Jenny Hegmann Jenny Hegmann, MS, RD, is co-author of The Cyclist's Food Guide: Fueling for Distance ((c) 2005 Sports Nutrition Publishers) with Nancy Clark, MS, RD. Hegmann is a sports nutritionist and long-distance cyclist. She lives and works in the greater Boston area. Glycemic Index* and Glycemic Load All foods are from the US or Canada unless otherwise specified. Glycemic index is based on a 50-gram carbohydrate portion. Glycemic load is based on selected portion sizes (indicated in the last column). Low GI <40 Moderate GI 40 - 70 High GI >70 Low GI (<40) Food Glycemic Index Glycemic [...]