John Burrell Tennessee S-N

Congratulations. Your new records are now officially certified by World UltraCycling Association (WUCA)

Rider Information

Rider Name: John Burrell
Age: 59
Age Group: Men 50-59
Rider Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Rider Country: US

Record Information

Record Type: Cross State
Record State: Tennessee
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Standard
Record Start Date: 2017-09-24
Record End Date: 2017-09-24

Record Statistics

Direction: S-N
Start Point:
End Point:
Distance (miles): 122
Time (days:hours:minutes): 00:05:35
Speed (miles/hour): 21.85

Extra Information

Officials: Robert Hendry
Crew: William James Suggs, Lindsey Hadley, Stuart MacLeod
Notes: Note: John Burrell had an exceptionally fast time across Tennessee, especially on the S-N leg. Here are some of the existing S-N marks beaten by Burrell’s time: Rodney Darby, age 53, 6:36 in 2006 (Darby’s record is replaced by Burrell’s) Gerry Eddlemon, 61, 8:10 in 2006. Mark Bartleson and Sarah Lovett, 7:04 on a tandem in 2013
Report: report