Gerald Eddlemon – HWMR – Aug 16 -23, 2020
Records Team2020-09-10T10:47:14-07:00Congratulation to Gerald (Gerry) Eddlemon for setting the High Weekly Mileage Record (HWMR) in this category: Male, solo 75-79 age group He covered 1024.68 miles in 7 days for an average daily mileage of 146.38 Rider G.K. Eddlemon’s Narrative Summary WUCA High Weekly/Monthly Mileage Record Attempts, Aug. 16 - 23, 2020 Eddlemon’s 121st and 122nd WUCA/UMCA Records (pending certification). Note to reader: I’ve yet to recheck my arithmetic for total number of records, but I believe these are the correct figures. And yes, some of these records were set in some of our smallest states, but some also in larger [...]