Alexandria Meixner – Australia W-E (Perth-to-Sydney) – 2019-04-11
Records Team2020-03-03T04:46:49-08:00Congratulations to Alexandria Meixner for setting the woman's 19-49- Australia Perth-to-Sydney mark on 2019-04-11. "Xandi" covered the 2,464.36 Miles in 9 days 12 hours and 33 minutes. She left Perth on 2019-04-02 at 11am and arrived at the Opera hall - in Sydney on 2019-04-11 at 11:33pm Here is her personal account of this amazing feat followed by some pictures of the adventure We are sitting currently in the plane to Munich and my attempt to sleep is foiled by the huge amount of snoring here in the plane. So what is closer than finally revueing our adventure and sharing it with you. [...]