Congratulations to Johann Warga for setting the HMMR (30 day time Trial) record from May 1 – 30, 2024 in the following categories: Male, drafting, 60-69 age group on a standard upright bike.

Ride Report:

My 30 days of adventure

The world record attempt was very challenging for me with small and bigger obstacles. Some of the bigger problems were on the technical side, I had sometimes troubles to link my hardware. But I never had the feeling that I could not make it. Even when poured rain for days without an end in sight. But it wasn’t „just“ a world record attempt, it was a big adventure for me, which I managed to do with the help of my friends. Each and every day was an adventure, with his own new and challenging situations. But I remember the best the very last day. On this day many of my friends accompanied me on the bike and made this day really unforgettable. I want to thank every friend, every acquaintance who became friends and my family for the help, the believing in me and the support they all gave me. Also I want to thank Alexandra „Xandi“ Meixner for convincing me to do it and her husband Walter Wegschaider for doing the administrative work. Big thanks to all of you who supported and helped me!