C2C-Season 2(INDO-NEPAL)

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🚴‍♂️ *C2C Season 2: New Delhi to Kathmandu cross country Bicycle Ride*! 🚴‍♀️
Join us for an incredible journey from the *National Capital of India to the National Capital of Nepal*! 🏔️
Distance: __1044 Kms in 6 Days_
__Experience: _Scenic routes, beautiful views, adventure, challenges, and the breathtaking Himalayas!_ 🌄
New Categories:
🟢 *Solo*
🟢 *Team of 2 (Relay Style)*
🟢 *Team of 4 (Relay Style)*
Don’t miss your chance to create lifelong memories and be a proud finisher of C2C!
📞 For details, contact: 9658500056
✉️ Email: thepedallers.india@gmail.com

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