HAM’R Month – Steven Abraham

Congratulations to Steve Abraham whose epic month of cycling has been officially verified and certified by the WUCA. It’s a new record!

This record will replace the current record which was set by André Goeritz earlier this year. This new record by Abraham is the record for the 18-49 age category and is also the overall record since no other HAMR Month records have been yet certified for any other age category.

All completed on open roads with wind, rain, hills, junctions and traffic to contend with.

Rider Information

Rider Name: Steven Abraham
Age: 42
Age Group: Men 18-49
Rider Hometown: Milton Keynes
Rider Country: UK

Record Information

Record Type: HMMR
Record Category: Solo
Bike Type: Any
Record Start Date: 2016-09-02
Record End Date: 2016-10-01

Record Statistics

Distance (miles): 7104.3
Distance (km): 11433.26
Time (days): 30
HAMR (miles/day): 236.81
HAMR (km/day): 381.26

Extra Information

Officials: Drew Clark
Crew: Ian Hennessey
Report: report